Monday, July 30, 2012

2 gaps | customers & service providers


We know there are two types of gaps among the service
1.Customers gap
2.Providers gap .

Customer gap: I would define the Customer Gap as the distance we have with our customers, a measure of the degree of disconnection we have with them. The higher the Customer Gap, the higher the risk of generating customer dissatisfaction, losing loyalty, decreasing net promoters and eventually compromising all the company long term growth.

4 types of gaps are occurred between customer & providers

1.Listening gap
2.Service design & standards gap
3.Service performance gap
4. Communication gap.

1.Listening gap: Also called 'Gap 1', occurs because the provider of a service does not understand what the customer expects. Examples include, a lack of marketing research; a lack of communication from lower to high levels of management or too many levels of management.

2.Standards gap
Also called 'Gap 2', occurs when a provider of a service does not take into account defined standards of service. Examples include a lack of commitment from management to service quality; perceptions that aspects of service quality are unfeasible; the qualities of service tasks are not standardized and goals for service quality are not set.

 3.Service performance gap
Also called 'Gap 3' occurs when the service delivered does not meet certain service quality specifications. Examples include ambiguity or conflict of employee roles; employees being poorly suited to their role; technological solutions being poorly suited to the employee's role; evaluation and reward systems being inappropriate; employees being dis empowered within their service role and a lack of teamwork in service roles.

4.Communication gap
Also called 'Gap 4' occurs when promises made to customers about service delivery are not kept. Examples include a lack of communication between one employee and another in providing a service or tendencies to promise to the customer service quality which cannot be achieved.

All the gaps are very important those gaps create distance between customer and service  provider. So always try to remove the gaps between customer and provider.

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